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Publishing house

Information about the Publishing house

We offer services in the field of issuing for corporate, customer and employee magazines. the concepts of the magazines and their graphic design are prepared on the basis of the clients' wishes to meet their requirements and to support the corporate image.

Thanks to our own graphic studio and offset print house we are able to not only accelerate the magazine production process, but to save you money as well.

We also offer our clients production of the electronic form of printed magazines with the possibility of placing on the client’s website or comprehensive creation of a web presentation that makes it possible to update magazines with current information.

Our Distribution Dept. will deliver shipments to addresses selected by you, ensure their packing (in foil or postal envelopes) and print of addresses incl. provision of postage fee discounts.

How to prepare master copies for print?

About company

PRINCO International, spol. s r.o.
Panuškova 1299/2
140 00 Praha 4-Krč

tel.: 296 114 911
e-mail: info@princo.cz

Spotřebitel má právo obrátit se za účelem mimosoudního řešení spotřebitelského sporu na Českou obchodní inspekci, se sídlem Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Praha 2, telefon: +420 296 366 360, fax: +420 296 366 236, web: http://www.coi.cz, IS DS: x7cab34.

Modernization and innovation printer
EU European Fund for Regional Development
Prague & EU - Investing in your future
© 2015 PRINCO International, spol. s r.o.